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Benoît Bouthillette and Chrystine Brouillet Win Tenebris Prizes
May 25, 2016

The fifth international crime fiction festival, Les Printemps meurtriers de Knowlton, took place between May 19 and May 22 and hosted the Tenebris Prize during its closing ceremony.
This year, Les Printemps meurtriers de Knowlton introduced a Tenebris Prize for best Quebec novel in the “roman noir” genre, celebrating its burgeoning status in Quebec. Benoît Bouthillette is the first winner of this new prize with his novelL’heure sans ombre.
For her part, Chrystine Brouillet won her third Tenebris prize for Quebec bestseller, this time for Six minutes. The prize is awarded using records from the Gaspard system provided by the Banque de titres de langue française (BTLF).