L'inconnu de Sandy Cove Among Finalists for the Prix France-Acadie

Select members of the jury for the [Prix France-Acadie](http://www.editionsdruide.com/actualites/l-inconnu-de-sandy-cove-est-finaliste-du-prix-france-acadie/COMMUNIQUE_Prix France Acadie 2017 Sylvie Ouellette.pdf) gathered in Paris on May 17, 2017 to preselect works submitted for this year’s prize in the literature category.L’inconnu de Sandy Cove by Sylvie Ouellette is among the five titles chosen. The five shortlisted novels were picked by the jury from a selection of 24 works. The final deliberation will occur at the beginning of September, and the award ceremony will be held in Paris on November 24.
The founders of the association, with support from the Fondation de France, created the Prix France-Acadie in 1979 in order to promote Acadian culture and literature, showcase the talent of Acadian writers, and preserve the French language in North America. This contest is open to French-language authors who identify in some way with Acadians from the Canadian Maritimes or, occasionally, to French-Canadian authors of notable works about Acadia.