More Than 1200 Schools Receive Antidote for Christmas

Just in time for Christmas, 1278 Canadian schools will receive a free license for Antidote 11, Druide’s flagship writing assistance software, allowing installation on ten computers. This represents a donation worth more than 1.1 million dollars.
First established by Druide in Canada, then in Belgium and now France, the Antidote School Donation Program gives one free license to a school for every ten copies of Antidote sold at retail. Druide’s customers in each of these countries designate the winning establishments by voting. Many made their voice heard: no fewer than 17,644 buyers felt that their favourite school could make good use of the educational potential of Antidote.
Quebec is home to the largest number of winning schools. In total, since the first edition of Antidote was published in 1996, 4493 schools have installed Antidote on 60,872 computers, which represents nearly 5.9 million dollars in software and maintenance distributed free of charge to educational institutions.
Druide, with the help of its customers, is thrilled to make this contribution to the educational effort. Bringing together an advanced corrector, rich dictionaries and detailed language guides, Antidote allows students to learn from their mistakes and improve their style. Designed initially for professional office writing, the software also shines in the classroom thanks to the innovative educational use that teachers have made of it for more than 25 years.
Crowned best choice in several specialized media rankings, Antidote stands out for its neural correction engine, the depth of its reference works and its harmonious integration into the main word processing and email softwares on Windows and Mac.
Druide informatique produces and markets Antidote, the most comprehensive writing assistance software suite available for English and French, as well as Typing Pal, the renowned typing tutorial application. The company is also the creator of WebElixir, a quality assurance service for websites. In addition to its software, Druide publishes French-language literature and reference works through its subsidiary, Éditions Druide.